Roger Zelazny – Science Fiction Writer

Zelazny, Roger Gender: M
Birthname Zelazny, Roger Joseph
born on 13 May 1937 at 02:05 (= 02:05 AM )
Place Cleveland OH, USA, 41n30, 81w42
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)
Data source
BC/BR in hand Rodden Rating AA

Chart: Roger Zelazny – Science Fiction Writer

What is the kāraka of writing which relates to writing? Budha and 3rd house are related to writing in Rāśi chart. We see the position of Ātmakāraka Surya in the 3rd house with Mercury. Vital to note that its Meśa Rāśi which shows agni the fire element (meśa + Sun) and 3rd house is related to fight also. Besides writing: “Two other personal characteristics that influenced his fiction were his expertise in martial arts and his addiction to tobacco”.

The position of Ātmakāraka shows the areas which will be very important for the native and will be treated as God. Native will not take chances in those areas and the success comes if the yoga is supported by the society, bhagya (fortune) and intelligence. There is argala of this writing – yoga on Lagna (3rd from it), Arudhapada (virodhargala of Moon in 2nd from Arudha Lagna) and Ātmakāraka (Surya – Sun itself).

Altough the yoga is in 6th from Lagnesh, its dispositor Mars is yuti Lagnesh. Lagnesh in 10th house gives commanding person (Jataka Tattva) and expert in the field. 11th from Varṇadā Lagna is Kanyā ruled by Mercury in 3rd house (writing).

Ṣrī Jaimini and Ṣrī Parāśara refer to Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Mercury when it comes to writing. These grahas relates to particular ability of writing and should be well placed in Navāṁśa and Daśāṁśa to make the opportunity in Rāśi succesful. Otherwise person can only associate with writers etc.


In the Navāṁśa chart we pay attention to Trikoṇa, particularly Dharma (1st, 5th and 9th) and Artha (2nd, 6th and 10th). The strongest (Jupiter is close to exaltation in strength in Kuṁbha, Rāhū is in own sign) is 2nd house – Kuṁbha (Aquarius) with Jupiter and Rāhū (sci-fi branch). Mars in 9th shows likings for the martial arts.

“His novels and short stories often involve characters from myth, depicted in the modern world”. Myth due to Jupiter in Śani sign in D1 whilst Sci-Fi due to Rāhū sign and yuti with Jupiter in D9 (Navāṁśa).

His main success was in Śani mahadasa which is the 10th lord in Daśāṁśa and Lagnesh in Navāṁśa. In Daśāṁśa we have Jupiter in 6th (writing) and Rāhū in 10th (import/planning/machines/statistics/research). Saturn – the ruling planet in the time of His achievments and Lagnesh has Jupiter in better position than Rāhū which is in 8th from Lagnesh and 2nd from Śani. So he choose writing among oppurtunities presented.

We can check the Navāṁśa placement (as the lagna changes before 2:01 and after 2:09) through the timing of marriagies.

“Zelazny was married twice, to Sharon Steberl in 1964 (and divorced, no children) and to Judith Alene Callahan in 1966 (he had also been engaged to folk singer Hedy West for six months in 1961/62[2])”.

The timing of marriagies is best done with the Navāṁśa as it shows spouses (Bhrat Parāśara Horā Śastra).

Whilst Vimshottari is not so clear, we may notice that 10th lord is in 10th house which makes Chaturasiti Sama Daśā very accurate to trace one’s steps in life.


The first marriage has occured in 1964 (Saturn-Moon) and the 2nd one in 1966 (Saturn-Mars). .

The first marriage is seen by 7th house in Navāṁśa, whilst the 2nd one by 2nd house in Navāṁśa chart.

It becomes very easy with proper daśā. Śani is Lagnesh (lord of Ascendent in the Navāṁśa).Moon is 7th lord (first marriage), whilst Mars is with 2nd lord (second marriage).

We may notice that Chaturasiti is also very accurate with other events:

Death occurs in Daśā of 2nd or 7th house/lords according to seers/classics. The demise has occured in Venus-Jupiter period. Venus is in 2nd house, Jupiter is 2nd lord.

